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A friend (an astute marketer leading a global financial powerhouse) and I got talking about digital marketing in the post-covid…

About Us

India Opportunity Partners, an ESG advisory and marketing firm, promotes climate conscious Indian businesses across Europe.

Like the Lighthouse, we are trusted by corporations to navigate the Indian subcontinent’s landscape for sustainable businesses.

We also guide Indian exporters on CBAM and EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Our Mission

To market Indian companies willing to comply with CBAM and CSRD regulations.

To navigate collaboration opportunities for businesses willing to decarbonize their operations.

Our Services

ESG Directory

As the world moves towards a Net Zero pathway, global corporations are increasingly seeking suppliers and partners willing to calculate carbon emissions and collaborate with customers/financiers for carbon reduction programs.

We maintain a database of Indian exporters across sectors aligning or willing to align with Net Zero ambitions and market them across Europe.

Strategic Communications

With more than 100 years of collective experience in journalism, corporate communications, and investor relations, we partner Indian exporters in creating a compelling ESG narrative that aligns with their long-term business goals.

We also create content and messages that resonate with global corporations focused on decarbonization and seeking collaboration opportunities for Net Zero pathways.

Contact Us

Hemant Bohra,

Managing Partner, Europe

Hemant has spent more than 25 years in marketing and communications across industries, disciplines and economic cycles. He has shaped and executed corporate marketing campaigns, structured and contextualized narratives for business growth and assisted leadership teams in achieving business objectives. Based in Paris, he combines his knowledge of ESG Investing, decarbonization and communication to promote Indian MSMEs globally.

We are here

192 Boulevard Saint Denis
Courbevoie 92400